Emergency Root Canal Cost Los Angeles
During regular twice yearly dental cleanings, your family dentist is often able to identify problem areas in your mouth and administer or suggest appropriate treatment plans. Infections from within the tooth involving the pulp or nerve often result in the need for a procedure called root canal. Again, in most cases, the pain surrounding this infection is gradual, allowing you ample time to visit your dentist and schedule a root canal treatment to fit with your life schedule. Sometimes, this pain comes on suddenly, resulting in the need to consider our emergency root canal cost in Los Angeles.
When a tooth is infected at its core, most people notice the pain when biting down on or chewing food with a specific tooth. A sharp ache can ensue in the area, which can be increasingly sensitive to hot or cold foods or drinks. Because this infection affects the root of a tooth, your gums can also swell or feel especially tender when touched. Our Los Angeles emergency root canal cost can be well worth it, due to the pain our treatment can alleviate.
Los Angeles Emergency Root Canal Cost
During a root canal, the patient is anesthetized while our dentist drills a hole in the tooth. The infected pulp is then extracted from the tooth. Files are used to scrape away and remove any debris or dead nerve cells. Often medicated material is inserted into the tooth to fill in the empty space. The tooth must then be sealed to ward off further infection. Our emergency root canal cost in Los Angeles will most likely include any crowns or fillings applied to the top of the tooth. These can be placed up to a week later if patients so desire.
Following a root canal procedure, your lips and gums may feel slightly numb due to the lingering effects of the anesthesia. As these diminish, you experience more throbbing sensations, especially if you did leading up to the root canal. Regular pain killers like Ibuprofen are usually sufficient to relieve this pain. Our Los Angeles emergency root canal cost is often worth the price, especially if the procedure is successful and saves the infected tooth. A root canal may help you avoid needing more expensive and involved treatments like extractions performed in the future.
If you are experiencing tooth pain, call our emergency dental clinic, and schedule an appointment with our Los Angeles emergency dentist.