Are At-Home Whitening Treatments Safe?
Your smile is often one of the first things that people notice about you, so it is only natural that most people desire their teeth to be as white as possible. Many people try and achieve this through the use of at-home whitening treatments, but are they safe?
While it is always recommended to consult a dentist before starting any whitening treatment, most at-home treatments can be considered safe. The main issues concerning at-home whitening treatments are with the frequency in which these treatments are used and whether or not they are being used properly.
Most at-home treatments contain peroxide as their active ingredient. Peroxide is an abrasive chemical, and over-use can strip away at the enamel. It is not recommended to use these products for longer than a week at a time. You will also want to limit your at-home treatments to twice a month or less.
Another issue concerning at-home whitening treatments is whether or not they are being used correctly. Going to the dentist to get whitening done is always recommended, as they will be able to supervise the application of the whitening agent. At home, this becomes your responsibility. A lot of the tooth trays used for at-home treatments take the one-size-fits-all approach. This means that when you fill the tooth tray with the whitening gel and place it into your mouth, the tray has not been custom-designed to fit your mouth perfectly. This issue could result in the gel coming into contact with your gums. This can cause irritated gums and tooth sensitivity.
If you have more questions about teeth whitening, it is recommended to contact our expert in emergency teeth whitening in Los Angeles to set up a consultation for more information.
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